Ethereum Alarm Clock GUI Implementation Guide

This guide is an attempt to provide information to ease the process of an implementation of a graphical front-end on the Ethereum Alarm Clock service. It should be a document that you can consult to understand what parameters you need to include and the user cases to cover while building your interface.

What will be implemented?

A graphical interface to the Ethereum Alarm Clock. User functionalities will include the ability to schedule a transaction in a cohesive flow. It may also include the ability to manually execute a transaction request (althought for the most past this will be done more efficiently by clients such as eac.js)


The ethereum alarm clock consists of a collection of smart contracts that interoperate with each other on-chain. Whenever a user schedules a new transaction, it will use these contracts to deploy a new contract that contains all of the execution data set by the user. The contracts keep track of this transaction request in a database contract that exposes a public API to be queriable by off-chain code.

Servers that are running an execution client will be scanning the blockchain for scheduled transaction requests and sending claim or execution transactions to them. Clients will be doing most of the execution work "behind the scenes" for users and ideally, they will never have to worry about their transaction being executed on time.

In order to provide incentive to execution clients, when users schedule transactions they will include a payment variable.

If you would like a complete introduction to the Ethereum Alarm Clock infrastructure, we recommend the official docs.


You will be working with the high-level APIs of the Scheduler contracts. There are two types of Scheduler, a TimestampScheduler and a BlockScheduler. The only difference between these two is the unit of time that each accepts for its scheduling paremeters. As you might guess, the TimestampScheduler requires all input to be as a Unix timestamp while the BlockScheduler takes in input as Ethereum block numbers. Otherwise, both Schedulers have the same public function schedule() to accept input. Here is the Solidity interface:

function schedule(address   _toAddress,
                  bytes     _callData,
                  uint[8]   _uintArgs)
    public payable returns (address);

Schedule params

The schedule function takes three parameters, an Ethereum address, an array of bytes (a Javascript Buffer), and an array of eight unsigned integers. The eight unsigned integers are:

  • _uintArgs [0] The callGas to be sent with the scheduled transaction.
  • _uintArgs [1] The callValue to be sent with the scheduled transaction.
  • _uintArgs [2] The execution windowSize.
  • _uintArgs [3] The (block or timestamp) of the execution windowStart.
  • _uintArgs [4] The gasPrice which will be used to execute this transaction.
  • _uintArgs [5] The donation value attached to this transaction.
  • _uintArgs [6] The payment value attached to this transaction.
  • _uintArgs [7] The requiredDeposit to claim this transaction.

The scheduling party must also send enough value to cover the endowment of the transaction request. The endowment is calculated like so:

endowment = payment + donation * 2 + callGas * gasPrice + 180000 * gasPrice + callValue

The endowment is required because the scheduler of the transaction must pay all the gas costs, as well as cover the value and the payment and donation costs up front.


The Schedulers will use the RequestFactory contract to perform some verification checks on the input it recieves and bubble up a ValidationError event if one is encountered. The front-end GUI should be able to read these events if they happen and notify the use why their transaction was not able to go through. However, it may be better if the front-end code employed validation checks to prevent the error ever reaching the blockchain.

Some verification check you will need to be aware of include:

Insufficient Endowment

The amount sent in the transaction must be at least the sum computed as the endowment.

Call Gas too High

The maximum callGas sent with the transaction is the current_network_gasLimit - 140000 where 140000 is the gas overhead of execution.

Empty To Address

The toAddress cannot be a null address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

For a full list of ValidationError see this page of the docs.

Necessary Options

You will need to present an option for the user to switch between block-based scheduling and timestamp-based scheduling. This could be accomplished by the implementation of a switch or checkbox, or perhaps a drop-down menu.

To be continued...